Saturday, October 31st:
4pm (English)
Sunday, November 1st:
9am (English)
1pm (Spanish)
Feast of All Souls, November 2nd:
5:30pm (English)
Please park in the parking lot and stay in your car. Father will announce the radio station you can tune in to, and he will also be using a microphone during the Mass.
You will be directed on how to receive Communion. There will also be baskets by the Eucharistic ministers in which you can place your donations.
Saturdays at 4:30pm
Sundays at 9am, 10:45am, 12:15pm
You may sit in your car (tune to radio station 91.1FM) or you can sit outside (bring your coat!)
Mass is said outside
Follow the lines after Mass to receive the Eucharist, or you can remain in your vehicle and the ministers will bring Jesus to you.
Sundays at 10am
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 8:15 am.
Saturday at 4:30 pm
Sunday at 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, and 6pm
Park in the parking lot - they will let you know the radio station to tune in to.
The Eucharist will be brought to you after Mass - get out of your vehicle but remain beside it.
Sunday at 9am and 11am
Mass will be celebrated outside, in the south parking lot.
Park in the parking lot. Remain in your car. Communion will be distributed as you exit.
Vehicles must enter from Scotts Place and face the church building. You will receive Holy Communion as you exit onto Wyoming Blvd.
Saturday: 5pm (Outside and livestreamed on Facebook)
Sunday: 8am and 10am (Outside)
Saturday at 4:30pm
Sunday at 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 1pm
No daily weekday Mass
Masses will be livestreamed - Communion will be distributed after Mass.
Mass times:
Daily at 9-9:30am
Saturday 5-5:30pm
Sundays 11-11:30am
4pm (Outside), 5pm (Livestreamed)
7am (Livestreamed)
9am, 11am, 1pm, 4pm (all outside)
Monday - Friday:
8am (Livestreamed)
11am (Outside)